If you know me, I am not really organized when it comes to things around the house. I have piles everywhere. Clint is patient with me and tries to put things where they belong, but then I can't ever find anything. Well, it has come to a point now, where I have to be organized. I had all my customer quilts in a pile and I was starting to forget which ones were here first and how long I have had each one, so last night I made room in my closet and labeled each quilt and hung them up. Don't they look nice!

Clint even bought me a rack for my shoes, I don't have a ton of shoes in women standards, but the pile on the floor was annoying. Now they hang so grand-like in my closet. Don't you love fun little inventions that make life so much more liveable.

This is my computer and it has had its day! Since 2002 our little computer has been through a lot, but it is time to say good bye to the very slow computer and move on to better things. We bought a new computer last night and Clint is working on getting that set up.
We won't say totally goodbye to this computer until files are moved over and someone buys me EQ6, wonder who's going to do that?

But check out this desk. It's so much better than our card table and it's going to be mine. Clint's working on his desk which will be much more masculine than mine. I can't wait, now we can work together side by side without getting in each others way. By the way, we got this new desk for only $37.00 on clearance! Holy cow!

I can't leave a post without some quilting. So here you go, one of my recent customer quilts, I had fun with the leaf in this one.

And I am working on my feathers, they are getting better. One day I think I will have them mastered, but look how fun the back of this quilt is with the minkee fabric. Love it!

Last, but not least my little baby Jonah, I am happy and sad because he is growing and I am starting to wean him. I am proud that I have nursed him so long because my other two kids stopped at 6 and 7 months. So while I am crying that he is growing, I am smiling that I am moving into a new phase. I love this kid! He loves to climb under my quilting table and then crawls up to my legs and holds on while I am quilting.
Well, have a great night. We will be doing a giveaway soon, so stayed tune. (You won't want to miss this one!)