Star Xing! The First Real Glimpse!

So, my book, Secondary Designs with Judi Madsen has been out since December and because life is crazy, I still have a couple of quilts that I have not shared from the book. I am happy to introduce to you Star Xing! This is a fabulous design that I am very proud of. You will find the design on the CD that comes with my book. The piecing as well as the quilting instructions are both on there.

This is the second quilt I have made of Star Xing, I go into detail on why I chose to make 2 quilt tops in the book, so you can read that there. Thelma was kind enough to save me from a timing bind and piece this quilt top as well as another design, which will be shared at a later date. She is an excellent piecer and I was so grateful for her help.

The quilting was so much fun on this quilt. I won't lie, it took a long time, but I think the end result was definitely worth it.

I had a lot of fun with the Secondary Designs on this quilt top. The piecing and the quilting work magically together on this design. I love everything about this quilt.

I hope you enjoyed getting to know Star Xing and I hope you want to make one of them yourself! It sure is a lot of fun putting this quilt top together. The quilting is just icing on the cake! However, if you aren't planning on quilting it quite like mine, this design can stand on it's own and would look beautiful in bright, bold fabrics with a not-so-solid background.

If you haven't gotten my book yet, you can order a signed copy, here.
Thanks everyone! Stay tuned for my next client quilt - it's almost finished and it's a beauty!
Diana Kastelic said:
This design alone compels me to buy the book. It IS scrumptious… thanks for sharing all of the closeup pictures. The solid back does allow the custom quilting to stand out. Just beautiful !