Fabulous Background for Applique DVD available now!

Okay, so if you haven't had the chance to take my iquilt.com class, Fabulous Background Quilting for Applique yet, now is the time!  You can own it on DVD and watch it from the comfort of your own home and big screen TV.  Now, that would be something. ;-)

Judi's iquilt class
I walk you through an amazing border design, 3 simpler background designs, then finish off with 3 more amazing background designs.  You are going to love it!  This will take your quilting to the next level! You will be so excited to get started! 
So, you can get the copy of your DVD here!  Enjoy! 

May 15, 2017 by Judi
Tags: Quilting
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lynda laroche

lynda laroche said:

i bought the video .should there be download designs with this, seems i dont have any


marian said:

Does this include the quilt pattern??

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