Quilting day with my daughter....
It is a rare day when I do not have a quilt on the racks on a Saturday, but this last Saturday I did. Lili made a quilt using one layer cake during the summer for a surprise birthday gift for her brother, but we haven't gotten to the quilting until now. So, it's going to be a Christmas present now. Anyway, she was so excited to know that she was going to be quilting. So, I walked her through the whole process. She put the quilt on the racks, pins and all. I just watched and helped when she needed it.

I lowered my table as low as I could and it was still a little reach for her.

I love her cute little determined face.

It took her about 4 hours to quilt the whole quilt, by the end of her time quilting she told me her arms were sore. Now she understands what I do - I love it!

One quilt pieced and quilted by my 8 year old. This is her first big quilt.

The best part of the day was spending time with her. I am so happy that she has taken an interest in quilting and I am happy to share what I know with her. I am going to make an effort to give her a little time on my machine every now and again so that she can develop her own talents.

Loops and more loops, she did a beautiful job for her first time quilting.

I'm one proud mama!