Momma says I can...........

tell you who the winner of my cake is! I ate most of it, but there is a piece left for the lucky winner! Just kidding, I am sure you would rather have the layer cake right? Well the winner of the layer cake is (it was a complete random drawing at

Meg @ The Mad Quilting Librarian

Congratulations Meg, email me your address at and I will send out your layer cake right away.

Thanks to everyone for the well wishes on our business and Jonah's birthday. I have great things coming soon, two new patterns, some quilting pictures and our Romania charity trip in two weeks. I can't believe the trip is almost here, I have been trying to keep it out of my mind because I am super paranoid about leaving my kids, but I know that Clint and I are doing a good thing so it will be all right. Thank you so much for the quilt donations from everyone and the money as well. We will be able to help out a lot of kids while we are there and all 40 of them in the orphanage we are visiting will receive their own quilt, plus with the money donated we will be able to see their needs, whether it be food or clothes, and be able to buy them while we are there. Thanks again to everyone who has helped.

On a funnier note, Clint and I are missing out on our 10 year high school reunion tonight. I have wanted to go so bad, but since we live 4 hours away and are really busy, we couldn't make it work. I really wanted to go, but Clint promised me a dance in the living room, he better make good on that one! Go Bingham High Miners! Class of '99!

August 22, 2009 by Judi
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