Guilty as charged..........

I have to admit that I have been one of those people that isn't quite ready for the Christmas stuff to be out in stores before Thanksgiving - but I caved. I absolutely love Thanksgiving and will be thinking all month what I am thankful for, but I will have this tree in our entry to remind me of the Christmas season. I love this time of year, it reminds me of what is truly important in life and I want the season to be a little longer for our family this year.

This tree was quite the workout to decorate! I found the big ornaments at Costco, the big bells at Target and the snowflakes at Walmart. The theme of the tree is red and gold and I just love how it turned out.
I hope you all have a great week. I am being brave and taking off by myself to go hang out with my Mom at a cabin sewing retreat. I don't know why it is so hard to leave my husband and kids - probably because I never leave by myself. But, my first solo trip - I am sure they will survive - let's just hope I survive without them.
Take care!