Geared for Guys Book Tour and Giveaway!!


So, it is my turn on the book tour. Emily and I met several years ago at one of my first quilt shows, HMQS in Salt Lake - not sure the year, but I am assuming it was around 5 years ago. Emily has always amazed me with her design talents. Her quilt patterns and fabric are so darn cute and now, she has a book! A great book at that! I love that she has made this book for guys in mind. There are plenty of super cute (or should I say Manly :-) quilts to make in this book. You can make any of the projects in the book for the special guys in your life.

Switchback - Copy

When I was looking through the book, my eyes were drawn to this quilt, "Switchback."  I love it! I can't wait to make it myself!

 Switchback - Copy2

So, if you want a chance to win a copy of Emily's book - leave a comment below and you are entered to win! If you just can't wait and want to pre-order the ebook - do so here. Be sure to continue the 30 day book tour by visiting For the Love tomorrow.  Check back on Monday for the winner! Good luck!
May 11, 2012 by Judi
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