Almost ready for my Christmas break..........

Don't you just love these quilt colors? I do, but pink and green is my absolute favorite color combination. I did some flower swirls on this one. It's fun and it's a lot faster than custom work.

More pink and green! I love it. Oh, Brenda- your quilt is done, sorry I haven't called!

Here's some custom quilting for Kathy - I tried to call - twice! But I will hopefully see you Monday? Anyway, I love how this quilt turned out. This was a fun one to quilt because it was custom, but not overwhelmingly custom - does that make sense?

Another shot of this quilt! I love it. So, I was hoping to take the week off for Christmas, but I still have two quilts that I need to get done before we make a trip to see the family. Wish me luck on that!
Oh, my darling friend Emily has a blog, she just started one and you need to check it out. She's doing a cute giveaway, so go tell her I sent you over. You might recognize some of her quilts because I have quilted them for her.