
best of both worlds 
My last post was therapeutic to say the least.  I loved everything that was said and all of you gave me such great advice that I have been inspired to keep this happiness up.  Thank you, Thank you!  I appreciate you all so much.  The plan for me is to really limit instagram time, and go back to keeping up on blogs.  I was happier then and it was not always checking my phone to see the blogs update, I just read them when I could.  
I had a few people ask me about my bed, the frame was purchased over 3 years ago here.  And, my mom's quilt is at the bottom of the bed, I love it there.  So grateful I have this treasure from her.  

Winner is Laura T, she said:

"Wow such amazing comments. I understand what you said about coveting. I got off Facebook, Pinterest, etc... for about 2 weeks and that helped. Got back on because family seems to post to Facebook and miss seeing photos of kids etc and that sees to be the only way to keep up. I was getting too caught up in some of the quilting Facebook friends and comparing my self and time to them and it was too self-defeating. Taking the break helped and then just realizing everyone has different talents and time so I just need to be happy with what is going on now and being present in my time. It's important to stay true to yourself and your family and you will be fine:-)" 

Email me your address at judi (at) greenfairyquilts (dot) com and I will get the fat quarter bundle shipped out asap.  

Thanks everyone.  Stay tuned for a couple of small projects I finished last week. 
August 20, 2013 by Judi
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