Will work or slave for fabric..............

Okay- So I mistakenly erased a super cute picture of my niece Brooke, but I have this one of her holding her prize for being my nanny (slave) for a day and a half. My mom and my sister with her five kids came over last week and stayed for a couple of days, we had a blast! My niece Brooke stayed longer and she was a great help. She watched the kids while I got a few things done, she even babysat for us while Clint and I went on a date. It was great!
For payment she just wanted fabric - that's my kind of girl! She also helped me sew on my Turtle Walk quilt that I am giving away to my soon (very soon) to be born nephew. I don't know if she had fun sewing with me breathing down her neck saying "1/4 inch and stay focused" the whole time. But she did awesome. She sews very well for a 13 year old and anyone that can put up with me and sewing (I am a bit of a control freak, or perfectionist - yeah that sounds better) than she will be an awesome piecer and quilter as she keeps going. Thanks Brooke! It was fun!

This is quilt made from the green, white, and brown fabric I told you about. I think it turned out perfectly. I absolutely love it! I keep looking at it. I tell you - there is nothing more fun than piecing and quilting a quilt. Especially when it's going to a brand new baby. I love it!

I have to thank my sister Jen for drawing up the turtle block, this is one of my favorite patterns. It's hard to find boy patterns sometimes and this one is great, especially with it done in the green and brown fabric.

Here's the back - I had an extra turtle block and I just couldn't help myself. I think the back is just as cute as the front! I think I will have to piece all of the backs of my quilts now.
You can get the Turtle Walk pattern here. We also got some new Moda pre-cuts in like "Salt Box Harvest" by Deb Strain and "Awesome" by Sandy Gervais. Don't forget to check out our "Deal of the Week."