What I am working on now.

If you have been following me on Instagram and Facebook you will have noticed that this quilt is in the works.  It has been fun to work on and I have a surprise design in the works which will be revealed when I finish this up.  Hopefully I will finish this week, lofty goal I know.  When I post pictures of my work, most comments are so positive, but every now and again I get comments that are just ignorant.  Maybe they don't mean to be, maybe I am just reading into it - but it is hard sometimes to understand why people have to give their opinion if it is negative.  If you don't like something - don't comment, right?  Treat other people the way you want to be treated, and be happy for other people's successes.  It's really simple - my parents taught me that.  I will just say this - I don't quilt to cuddle with my projects, I quilt to show off my quilting. So if you think it looks "too stiff" then my quilting is not for you and please do not tell me you think that way.  There is a reason I use two layers of batting for all my quilts. Anyway - off my soap box.  I do not know why the "negative nellie's" bug me so much, but sometimes they do!  I am human. 

Well, I just bought this camera- it is my first DSLR. Here's hoping that I will take incredible pictures of my quilting to share with you.  I will get it just in time to take pictures of this beauty once it is finished! Yay! 

One more thing, you will not want to miss out on our Clearance Page - we just added over 100 items there!
July 08, 2013 by Judi
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