Update! Flower Patch Quilt Along

Flower Patch Quilt completed!
Photo courtesy Julie DeGrave - flickr
With summer coming to an end, I am feeling the heat about not getting my quilt finished.  All of these amazing over achievers who have finished their projects are making me look bad.  ;-)  Anyway, I am so happy with the quilts and blocks that have been popping up on my Flickr group, it really is so fun.  I want to be piecing right along side you, but I am just finishing up our family summer time.  I want the kids to have some great memories with their cousins and after having three deadline quilts to finish this month, we all need a little break.
Photo courtesy Lori Mann - Flickr
If you are still in the process of putting blocks together, that is okay!  I am there too! I will finish as soon as I can and keep you updated.  I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer, it is coming to a close and it makes me sad.  I love having our kids home, even when it is crazy loud and they just can not seem to get along - it is so much better with them around.

July 30, 2013 by Judi
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