Trip To Romania With Donations....

As most of you know, we go to Romania once a year and use your donations to buy food and supplies for street orphans living on the streets of Bucharest.  All airfare and hotel expenses are paid for by Green Fairy Quilts, we always use 100% of your donations in Bucharest for necessary supplies.  Clint decided to take his younger brother with him for our trip in February.  We had the airfare tickets purchased and hotels booked, but as the time approached for Clint to leave, he began having a very uneasy feeling about the trip.  About a week before departure, the US government issued a travel warning for all Americans traveling to Europe, as threats against foreigners seemed to be rising in the area.  Clint prayed for guidance and was so sick to his stomach about leaving, he made the difficult decision to cancel the trip.  However, we were successfully able to transfer your donations to our highly trusted contact in Bucharest, Gica.  Gica and his daughter were able to buy large amounts of food and deliver them to street orphans and families living on the cold streets of Bucharest.  We have many pictures from Gica, and we'd like to share some of them with you below.  We will continue to accept your generous donations and will continue planning on an annual trip to Romania

 Purchasing the food at the Bucharest market.
 Gica and his daugher.

 The food bagged up and ready for delivery!
 Happy children who will be eating a little better for a few days!
 When orphans become teenagers, they are kicked out of orphanages and begin living on the streets together.

 Most live in make-shift homes they've made out of scraps and garbage.  Most are the size of a small bedroom, and they have a stone block wired into the wall to help keep themselves warm.

Others have quilts hanging on the walls from previous trips to help insulate themselves.  We have been able to help more and more people every year thanks to your generous donations.

If you'd like to donate towards our cause, please click the "Donate" button on our charity page.  Thank you everyone!!
April 08, 2015 by Judi
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