Theresa's quilt part 2

Theresa put this quilt together, I believe it is a Judy Neimeyer quilt. It's all batiks and it's beautiful. The piecing was excellent, which makes for easier quilting. This is the second quilt I have quilted for Theresa.

I did stitch-in-the-ditch around the stars to make them pop out and did some connecting stitches around the stars. I did a lot of quilting around the blocks in the background, so I wanted these to stick out a little more.

I did freehand feathers with circles in the center of the feathers for the background of the quilt. I then filled in the space with pebbling.

The back of the quilt was a royal blue, and I couldn't for the life of me get the color right with my camera, so I just played with it. The back was awesome though.