Temple Square - Salt Lake City

Clint and I wanted to bring the kids to Temple Square in Salt Lake City to see the Christmas lights and see the Christus at the visitor's center. We hope they can appreciate this Christmas season and realize that it isn't just about getting presents. It's crazy to think that Clint and I grew up in the Salt Lake Valley and got to see Temple Square all the time, but now we have to make a special trip to let our kids see it. It was also fun showing them the Temple where Clint and I were married.

It was absolutely freezing, but gorgeous. I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted - my hands were so frozen - but if you ever get a chance to be in Salt Lake City in December you have to see the lights at Temple Square!

The Christus is amazing - the room is amazing. We weren't the only ones that had the idea to go - so it was a little crowded in the room. I am assuming weekday nights are better than weekend nights. I hope my kids realize how important Christ is - and that Christmas is about His birth. There are some amazing videos that our church has put together about the life of Christ - you can see them here.

We took a carriage ride around Temple Square - it was really fun. The kids were so excited to be pulled by a horse and we could see all the lights around the city. It was a beautifully cold winter night - nothing like bundling up and squishing into a sleigh together.

Note to self - bring gloves! I was so worried about the kids having everything they needed to be warm and I forgot to grab my gloves. Crazy! It was a wonderful trip though and I hope the kids remember the best parts!

December 12, 2011 by Judi
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