Sunrise, Sunset

 Many of you know that I have an obsession with sunrises and sunsets.  Nothing in this world (besides the hubby and kids) gives me more happiness.  I am always amazed at the love that I feel when I take a moment to reflect on the simple beauty that God gives us each day with these beautiful sunsets. So, I had to share this sunset from last week with you.  It was gorgeous. 
Right now I am sitting in a hotel room in Phoenix (AQS QuiltWeek) by myself just trying to wrap my head around how I got here.  I know how it happened - a lot of hard work and dedication to goals, but it is amazing and sometimes it is surreal.  The journey has been over 5 years in the making and I couldn't be more grateful for the opportunities I have been given because of quilting. I must admit, I cried like a baby as I said goodbye to our kids this morning - I miss them, but I am excited (and nervous) about this week.
Teaching - I have found, requires a lot of preparation and that is why I haven't been blogging as much as I want to.  I haven't finished a project in a while.  So, just know that I miss being on here and sharing my finished projects with you.  I have a new pattern out and I will share that with you as soon as I can. I hope to share this week with you as well.  Hopefully, I will be able to conquer the anxieties I have about teaching and it will be a great experience.  Have a great week everyone!

February 03, 2014 by Judi
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