Some things I love...

I love little hands.

I love little feet.

I love a whole drawer full of quilting thread!

I love green fabric!
I love graph paper. I use graph paper to start a new quilt design and in this case I used it to figure out how many numbers to use in my random drawing for my giveaway.
As you can see, or not if it is too small; the columns on the left represent the comment number and the numbers to the right represent the numbers assigned to the comment. I had 131 comments (looks like more, but there were more than one comments from a few of you) and twenty-eight of you qualified for 5 entries. That made a total of 243 entries. Comment 102, number 196 won the random drawing.

Congratulations to Cristie from Arlington, Washington.

I would like to thank you all for commenting and entering the drawing, my first giveaway I am happy to say was a success. Please check back often for my quilting tips, new designs and great giveaways. Take Care----------- Judi

Oh, in case you are wondering, I use Superior Thread, So Fine! for my quilting.
And I have fabric on my website here. Check it out!

February 04, 2009 by Judi
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