Some Great News!

Fire and Ice 1

If you have been following my Facebook and Instagram account you might already know this news, but I don't want to leave you blog followers out of the loop.  Remember when I quilted Fire and Ice for Kimberly Einmo?  Well, Kimberly submitted it to the Chattanooga AQS QuiltWeek show and it won "Best Modern Quilt!" So fun!  Congrats to Kimberly! What an honor it is to have been able to quilt this quilt. This is the first "big" win for me as a quilter and I feel really lucky to have been a part of this quilt!

Some other good news that I want to share with you is that I have recently signed a contract with AQS Publishing for my second book.  I will be working on this huge project for the next year, trying to fit this in with everything else that I am doing.  It won't be a small task, but I will keep myself organized to get it finished in time. The working title for the book is "Secondary Quilting Designs with Judi Madsen."  I cannot wait to share with you all of the designs I have come up with. It will be a wonderful addition to my first book, Quilting Wide Open Spaces - but please know that I will not repeat designs from the first book - they will all be fresh and new!  YAY!

Have a wonderful week!
September 22, 2014 by Judi
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