Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda............

This is Sharon's quilt! She is an excellent piecer, the seams are so straight and precise. It was fun to work on this quilt.

I tried to balance out the quilting by not quilting everything. I left the one inch borders plain and did a lot of stitch-in-the-ditch.

I played a litte more with the feathers on this border and I really liked how they turned out.

Okay, so here's the shoulda, woulda, coulda.... I was really enjoying the straightness of the quilt and thought it would be great to have the lines in the sashing, plus, when I was planning on quilting I measured the borders and the sashings and I had an even two inches all around except for the outer sashings. Anyway, as I was finishing the last of the sashings I realized that I could have continued the diagonal border into the sashings by just offsetting it a little bit! Urrrrggghhhhh! I think I would have liked it better, but it's okay. I will get over it. Something about me always thinks of what I could have done to make each quilt a little better.

There were nine blocks, so I just alternated the blocks by filling in the background with swirls on the applique blocks and quilting a connecting curved line on the others.

A shot of the diamond borders, I love it!

I still can't get enough of feathers. They just don't get old to me.
March 13, 2010 by Judi
Tags: Quilting
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