Look Mom!! No computer!!

Look Mom, no computer! 
Okay!! So, I really hate pictures of myself - which is why I never post them if I don't have to.  But, I feel like I need to post this picture of me with my longarm (don't mind the unkempt studio which is still a work in progress).  Let me tell you why.  I have been sharing my quilting pictures via Facebook, Instagram and this little blog here.  Most of you have been following me from the get go and have been around for a few years,  so you know that I am a free motion quilty kind of girl. I use two tools when I quilt - my marker and my straight ruler, but the quilting is done by me. I control the movements of the machine, hence the phrase - free motion.  
Look Mom, no computer! 
I posted this picture on Facebook yesterday and was so thrilled to share with you all what I have been working on - at least a peek of it anyway because it is meant for my Canadian friends who are taking classes from me next week. Anyway, someone mentioned - yet again, probably the tenth time in a week - that "isn't it so nice that computers can do this."  First off - thank you for thinking my quilting is precise enough that my work is compared to that of a computer, I really do appreciate it.  But, don't get me wrong - I want credit for what I do. So, as you can see my in my picture - this is my A-1 longarm with no computer.  The computer would be visible at the top of the machine if I had one.  

Look Mom, no computer! 
In posting this I also want to mention that I have no problem with computerized machines.  In fact, you have to be super talented to be able to design quilting, then program it into your machine and get the correct placement on a quilt.  I think that is wonderful when people choose to go that route and more power to them.  I feel it is quilting art as well.  

Look Mom, no computer! 
I would never use a computerized program or machine and claim that I didn't.  So, I hope these pictures will help with any confusion.  

Also, when I post pictures, I am not looking for words of critics.  I know, that must sound terrible - but my blog and Facebook accounts are not open opinion forums where you can say hurtful things, although I love hearing the positive stuff!  I am a human being after all and I just want to set the record straight.  I am a free motion longarm quilter and I am proud of it!
April 04, 2014 by Judi
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