It's finally here! 99th post here I come with a huge giveaway!

So this past weekend was filled with tons of parties and celebrations and my brother chasing me around the block with a firework! Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July!
So, as promised, (and I looked, it's been over a month since I promised) I am doing my grand giveaway to celebrate my 100th post. I lost count and now I will celebrate my 99th post because that's more fun anyway. I have been working on two new patterns and without further delay.....

My last jelly roll quilt was a hit and so I thought I would come up with a new design with the same concept. This new pattern also uses only 1 jelly roll for the top and binding, making your next quilt top simple, fun and relatively cheap! By the way, have you seen all our new jelly rolls?

My new pattern called "Strip this Quilt!" is available now on my website "here."

So, do you want my new pattern and this fun jelly roll? Well, I am giving them away to one lucky winner! Read on to find out how to win.

I am so excited about my new bag pattern called, "Checkered Tote!"
I made up two samples for this pattern and before you get all worked up because it looks hard to make, just say to yourself "Strip piecing, I can do that."

So, I did make two samples and I am willing to part with one, that's right, I am giving away my green, brown and cream tote to one lucky winner. Read on, there's more!
If you can't wait to make your own tote, you can get it "here."

I love this quilt, and have for a long time, I have only one "kit" left and so I am willing to part with the sample. I am giving away this cute quilt to one lucky winner.

And, to all you special followers, I am having a drawing just for you for a "Soiree" Honey Bun. You have to leave a comment and tell me you're a follower to be in this special drawing.
Read on!

On a more serious note, I would like to introduce you to my charity. Green Fairy Quilts charity was started last year with my husband taking quilts over to Romania to people in need. We have our trip booked and are leaving September 7, 2009, only 8 weeks away, to go and give more quilts to the people there. The picture above is my stash that I have gotten ready to take, but I would love to take more quilts. If you are interested in donating some quilts, please email me at
Please take a moment to watch our video and read about our charity. You can also verify our charity by following this "link."
You can watch our charity video "here."
And read about Clint's trip last year "here."

While Clint was in Romania last year he saw the need for people living in the streets to have food, they would breath in paper bags to subside their own hunger and we would love to help them if we can. Do you remember my bright flower quilt? The one I worked so hard on? Well, I am doing a silent auction for this quilt and all the money raised from this quilt will go towards buying food for the people when we are in Romania. If you are interested in purchasing my quilt, please email me your bid at and I will contact the highest bidder on Tuesday.

So, I am giving away a pattern and a jelly roll, a quilted tote, a quilt and a honey bun! Is that a big enough giveaway? I hope so! Four lucky winners will be announced on Tuesday of next week. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment. I would love to hear from all of you!

Want 5 entries? Blog about my giveaway on your blog and you will get five entries, be sure to tell me.

Want 10 entries? Donate to our cause by "clicking here" and 100% of the money will go towards helping the people in Romania. Even $1.00 will go far. Thanks in advance to all who want to help, but remember that there is no obligation to donate.

So, if it were me I would enter by saying:

Hey, Judi here! Enter me in to your giveaway and I blogged about it so give me five entries! And if I gave to the charity, give me ten entries.

Good luck to everyone, please spread the news, I would love to break my last giveaway record on comments! If I do have a record breaking giveaway, I will be giving away something else, a surprise to a lucky person.

So, four winners (five if the comments are there) and a quilt auction. What could be better?

Please spread the word! :)
July 09, 2009 by Judi
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