Flower Pots finished. Picture overload!!

I am happy to say that I finally have another finish under my belt.  It has been a while.  I am busy, life is crazy, but I am happy to be able to finally share this beautiful quilt with you.  Gwen pieced and appliqued this gorgeous quilt using Kaffe Fassett fabrics, it turned out beautiful!

Here is what Gwen has to say about the quilt:

“The pattern used for this quilt top is “Flower Pots” by Kim McLean.  I primarily
utilized the freezer paper template technique that incorporates turning the fabric
edge with starch applied to the seam allowances, then I machine-sewed the appliqué
pieces down to the background. Nearly all of the fabrics used for the appliqué were
designed by Kaffe Fassett and Amy Butler. Please note that my fabric selection was
directly inspired by Kim McLean’s beautiful quilt and artistry. I started this
project in May 2010 after finishing piecing “Newfangled Jane” (Dear Jane), and
finished piecing this in April 2012 (with lots of projects in between). To top it
all off, literally, I knew early on that I wanted this to be machine quilted by the
one-and-only quilt fairy goddess of them all, Judi."

 Thank you Gwen! 
The pattern is called Flower Pots and is designed by Kim McLean, you can order the pattern here

It took me a little bit to figure out what I wanted to do with the quilt as far as quilting.  I had a few drawings figured out, then I changed it up to what you see here.  I was thinking of doing something a little more difficult in the border with the circles, but I think this design sets the circles apart and makes them stand out. 

The big flower pot sections were the last to be quilted.  I was not sure how to tie it all in because of how large the background area is - originally the plan was to quilt everything else, then take the quilt off and turn it and put it back on the frames, then figure it out.  I was lucky enough to have a "light bulb moment" and I sectioned off the background with the rail fence design in the middle. I then did the same design background that was quilted in the center squares.  I absolutely love how it turned out. 

You can see more of the rail fence affect in the above picture. 

Diamonds, I love how these turned out. 

It's funny, I put my quilting pictures out where people can see and comment, like on Facebook and Instagram.  This particular part of the quilt I put online and had someone comment that I quilted it way too much and I was taking away from the applique. I guess they don't know my style of quilting ;-)  I can't please everyone, but I have to say that I feel like the time I take into going around the applique and creating a background for the quilt only adds to the beauty of the applique. 

I love this quilt, seriously. It is always hard to send these works of art back to their owners.

One thing that I find crazy is that I take so long to get things finished.  I start comparing what I get finished to what others get finished and then I feel like I am not getting a lot done.  I have had this quilting guilt over me, I feel like I have let you readers down with my lack of posts and completed projects.  But, then I realize that I take a long time to quilt because I am a detailed perfectionist and that is what I love to do - not to mention that my family always needs me, and I need them.  So, thank you for being patient with me as I get things done at a much slower pace than most designers.

I love the continuation of the background pattern with the squares to break it up and give this quilt some sweet character.   This picture shows off this particular part of the quilt wonderfully.

This quilt does have two layers of batting.  I used an 80/20 blend with a 100% cotton. I used So Fine thread for the top and bottom line for the bottom. I used the pre-wound bobbins and I am not sure I love those - more on that later. 

The colors in this quilt are so fabulous. 




This picture was taken with the quilt upside down, but I really love the details of the diamonds. It was time consuming going around all of the applique, but the end result was totally worth it.

The back. Oh my.


There is nothing more rewarding that taking a quilt off the frames and seeing this quilting texture come to life.  I had such a fun time with this quilt.  I can not wait to get another one finished.  In the meantime, I will be getting ready to leave for Canada - that will be here soon!  Wow, time flies - and I am working on a pattern that will be released shortly.  So, stay tuned. Also, I just received another shipment of my books, so if you haven't purchased your signed copy yet, you can do that here.

Have a fabulous day!   

March 26, 2014 by Judi
Tags: Quilting
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