
So - I am all ready for Christmas! That's means I have had time to doodle with the machine. I got the part (the rotary hook) this week and I finally got it on my machine and timed. I was terrified to time my machine - I haven't had to do it because I haven't had any problems with it until now. So - what was the problem? My white thread was turning black with every stitch and my thread kept on breaking - problem = rotary hook. Now that I have timed my machine and replaced the hook I feel invincible! I really do because timing is everything on a long arm.
I now have to break in the hook a little and that's why I am doodling. I will be getting back to customer quilts asap, but after Christmas! I can't wait to watch my kids eyes light up when they see the presents under the tree. Christmas is so much more fun when you get to watch it through your own kids eyes!
Have a very Merry Christmas everyone!