Dahlia Pattern Spotlight!


It's funny how I think I am going to spotlight one of my quilt designs once a week, and I get about 5 weeks in (several months ago) and forget it for a while.  So, since Spring is here and I love, no LOVE this pattern - I figured it's a good time to spotlight one of my favorite designs.  I give you Dahlia!  Named, of course, because of the flowers in the quilt.  


This is also my first pattern where I quilted my sample exactly like I wanted to.  Most of my own designs just have a simple allover quilting job, but I really wanted this quilt to pop because I happen to love it and will never, ever let anyone have it but me! (Sometimes I just can't share) The quilt is currently hanging in my Studio and I couldn't be happier just staring at it all day!  
So, before you get all worried that you have to do applique on this quilt - don't - because this quilt is all piecing.  Small piecing at times, but so worth the effort!  

And, since I figured out the whole PDF thing - you have the option to buy this pattern in paper or in PDF form!  Gotta love that!  

A few people have questioned me about the shipping charged on our PDF patterns.  So, here's the deal - if you are just buying PDF patterns, and want free shipping - just enter the code "pdf" during checkout - be sure to hit recalculate.  If you are purchasing fabric, please don't use the code because we won't ship your order out until you have paid for shipping.  :-)

Oh, and Tradewinds and Summersville precuts are here!

I think that is about it! I hope you are having a wonderful week!  
April 18, 2012 by Judi
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