Anxiety in all forms.................
"Dear Jane" anxiety to be exact. I don't know if you realize the pressure that comes with quilting a quilt like this - seriously - months of piecing go into this and Gwen did a fabulous job putting this "Dear Jane" together and now it's on the frames just staring at me. I am hoping the inspiration hits me tonight and the nerves go away..........
Whatever the outcome - I hope Gwen loves it!
Anxiety in another form - new line in and I can't sew on it right now. I must have this line! Well - I kind of do have it, but Clint would rather sell it to our customers. So, go get yourself some "Hullabaloo" by Urban Chiks - it is soooooo cute.
Whatever the outcome - I hope Gwen loves it!
Anxiety in another form - new line in and I can't sew on it right now. I must have this line! Well - I kind of do have it, but Clint would rather sell it to our customers. So, go get yourself some "Hullabaloo" by Urban Chiks - it is soooooo cute.