I have managed to get 4 quilts quilted this week. The quilts weren't huge, so it was a nice little break from the big quilts I have been doing. I am going to see if I can get one more quilt done Saturday, wish me luck. The quilt above is a store sample for
Scrap Apple Quilts, and I hope they like it. I love going into Shirley's (owner) store, it's my favorite quilt shop here in St. George.

I am really amazed at the needle turn applique talent here in town, I wish I knew who did this quilt, so I can give them credit, but what a beautiful job on the applique. It is perfect.

I am having fun with feathers lately, I look back at how scared I was to even try to do feathers, but now I love it and can't wait to quilt. I hope to get better and try more things with this cool stitch.

Here's a close up, I really had fun with this quilt.

I always love the back.

I feel like this week has been a productive one, I managed to get this quilt cut out of a
layer cake for a new design, I can't wait to share the project. It is going to be in different colors than the ones shown because the same day I cut this out I got a package in the mail with some new fabric from my favorite fabric company
Moda! I have the new quilt almost put together, but I can't show you yet. I will keep you posted. Have a great weekend everyone!