A Visit Down Memory Lane

Oh my goodness!!  I have been going through some of my pictures on my computer because I need to print some off and delete them so my computer won't be so slow.  I came upon this picture of my little guy - it has been almost 3 years since this picture was taken and I remember the day perfectly.  I walked into my room to find him rearranging my fabrics for my Spring Blossoms quilt I was working on at the time. He was so particular about it and wanted to make sure it was just right. I think the hardest part about leaving this house will be the memories we have had here.  Thankfully we have cameras that capture these moments. We can take our memories with us and create new ones.  
So, good news - we close on our house tomorrow we have a lot of new memories in store for us.  I just can not stand that our kids are growing up so fast. Sorry, I am a little sentimental today - they are little for such a short time.  But, I am determined to love every moment I am given with them.  Today I read a quote that I would love to share with you - I think I want it to be my motto for this year:

"God expects you not simply to face the future; He expects you to embrace and shape the future--to love it and rejoice in it and delight in your opportunities." -Jeffrey R. Holland

This rings so true to me and this is what I plan on doing this year - rejoice and delight in my opportunities and embrace my future! This also helps with knowing our kids are growing and that I just have to cherish each moment and look forward to everything ahead of us as a family.    

    Have a fabulous day everyone!
January 08, 2014 by Judi
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